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Jon Stumbke on Mike Rinder

Jon noted Mike’s vulgar and disdainful treatment of women and intimidation of others. “Deep down inside I think he disliked people generally.”


I didn’t really work for Mike Rinder but I worked with Mike Rinder. His lifestyle was do-less, kind of lackadaisical, very laid back. I never saw Mike, you know, get—feel urgent about anything. He used to sleep a lot on the job. I’d get a call to come up and deal with Mike because Mike was sleeping. It wasn’t like I would wake Mike up and he would be embarrassed or, you know, chagrined or a little bit kind of, “Sorry, I’m sorry.” Just dozed off and it—he was more like, “Pfft, yeah okay whatever, like, whatever.” I don’t think I ever saw Mike energetic or determined, even though people around him often were frantically trying to get something done. I think Mike would rather sit in his chair, fall asleep, doze off, look, look busy.

And he had an air of kind of disdain for people. Like, people were definitely below Mike. He wasn’t a very nice person. He wasn’t very respectful towards the people that work for him or the people that work with him, particularly women. Mike had called a meeting and his staff were filtering in and some were already there. And we were waiting for two female staff members and they were gathering their papers, whatever they needed for the meeting. They weren’t late. He turns to his secretary, assistant, who was also a female staff member, and he says, “Where are those two titless bitches?” He had no regard whatsoever. He didn’t even care that he was saying this in front of a room full of people. So the two female staff members arrive, and again Mike asks them, directly to their faces, “Where have you two titless bitches been?” Okay, so if that happened once, it probably happened more than once.

He could be quite intimidating. He could be quite offensive, actually. Aside from the bluster and the, you know, the outward pompousness, deep down inside I think he, I think he disliked people generally.